It is never too early to begin Number Talks in your classroom!
Math is a skill that must be developed over time and early math
deficits have devastating effects on later learning.
Begin at the beginning - Kindergarten!
The goal of Number Talks in kindergarten is to break down a number into a simple form.
Students need to understand what a number like “5” actually means.
are many different ways to “do” Number Talks in kindergarten.
The best way to start is with dot cards.
Number Talk in Kindergarten - How many do you see?
Number Talk in Kindergarten - How many do you see?
Number Talk in Grade 1 - How to use different operations to get to a target number.
Talk in Grade 2 - How to show patterns in different ways.
Starting off with
simple dot talks, number talks allow students to develop accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility with computational strategies. In the primary grades, it allows
students to practice simple counting, addition, and subtraction. It exposes them
to a variety of strategies, some that will allow a much deeper
understanding than others.
students move into junior high and high school we expect students to perform at high levels of thinking and algebraic
reasoning. If you want students to improve their numeracy skills, then we as
teachers need to do some deep learning on how students develop skills which have
its roots in the earliest of primary and elementary math experiences.